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How We Calculate Base Salaries for Remote Jobs

Learn how we calculate salaries for remote roles at a U.S.-based company.

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Reinvesting in Our Products

> We want our products to be more premium. I said this to Patrick the first time we met [] over beers. A few months later, I saw that line again in the brief for Tortuga V3, which later became the Outbreaker backpack [http://www.tortugabackpacks.

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Getting Specific: Tortuga's V3 Strategy

At Tortuga [], the V3 project was all about getting more specific. Going more niche. The Outbreaker backpack [] isn't just a new product, it's the next iteration of Tortuga as a company. For the launch, we redesigned

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A Team of Devil's Advocates

At Tortuga [], when we first discuss an issue, you might have a hard time telling where everyone stands. Surprisingly, this is a good thing. We've built a team and nurtured a culture of taking the "other" side in a discussion. At Tortuga,

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Core-Value-Aligned Perks

Have we all accepted that beers and ping pong are not a company's culture? These "perks" have always reeked of: "Are we having fun yet?" What's the point of your company's perks? How should you choose those perks if the

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9 Teammates, 0 Employees

Words matter. Notice how Travis Kalanick, CEO of Uber, uses "I" and "we" in this interview [] (emphasis mine). > Isn't that the thing? [Laughs] I could give you self-driving nirvana if it's in the desert, there'

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Why We Work Remotely

I would love to tell you that we had a grand scheme to build a distributed company back in 2009. Before remote work was trendy. Before anyone other than Basecamp was talking about it. The truth is that our remote company was an accident. Jeremy and I had the idea